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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thinking About the Word Inclusion

It’s two weeks later and I am still ruminating about KIT’s National Conference on Inclusion. First, there is all the busy-ness of preparation- the planning of speakers and sessions, the bag stuffing, the printing of badges, the processing of registration- if you’ve ever planned an event you are very aware of all the details. But then, when the event actually arrives there is all of this incredible energy generated by the participants. I can feel the thoughts and ideas swirling around us throughout the week. Then, when everyone leaves and goes back to their communities to do their great work I find myself still processing what I heard. Still downloading and then integrating everything into my own understanding of what inclusion means. What it means right now. Today. Not a year ago, at the last conference or 8 years ago when I started working at KIT. But in this very moment.

Still in my download process I woke up this morning thinking about the name “National Training Center on Inclusion” and wondering for how long in our history will we need such a place. As I often say in training, selfishly I hope we need it until my retirement kicks in, because there is no place I’d rather work and no work I’d rather be doing. However, the fact that we even have to call what we do “inclusion” is kind of interesting, right? Why don’t we just make sure all people are included as our way of being human? This is a rhetorical question, because of course I know why. I know the history of civil rights in America and while I intellectually know what has happened to bring us where we are today, my heart still doesn’t understand why human nature chooses to focus on differences, rather than our oneness.

So, today I am thinking what would happen if we threw out the word “inclusion.” What if we didn’t call it anything and we just did it. What would we call the National Training Center on Inclusion if the word inclusion did not exist? The National Training Center on Ensuring that All Children Can Successfully Participate in their Communities? The National Training Center on Learning How to Ensure that Your Programs Meet the Needs of All Children? Or, perhaps, The National Training Center on Understanding that All Children are the Same and also Different in All Kinds of Ways that May or May Not Have to Do with a Diagnosis. OK, those are hard to fit on a business card. And I am certainly not suggesting that there is anything wrong or pejorative about the word “inclusion.” Yet, anyway. But, what if we let go of naming our efforts and just embraced the actions of working to make sure that every child feels welcomed, supported and knows that feeling of belonging that we all want. How would our practice change?

I am curious to hear your thoughts. This may be a topic I come back to in the near future.